Is your company still stuck with the bottle?

Saves lots of time and space
The days of lugging around crates and returning bottles to get your deposit back are over. There is no longer any need to find space for the full or empty water crates. The SodaMaster fits in anywhere.

Saves lots of money
You produce your own soda water for an incredible 4 cents per jug, inclusive of all costs.

Always freshly produced
Thanks to the direct connection to the mains water pipeline, you and your employees can enjoy cool water any time you want at the touch of a button.

Crucial advantages for your company

More concentration
A plentiful supply of fluid promotes concentration and boosts performance levels in the workplace. And nothing is more refreshing than soda water fresh from the tap.

More motivation
Drinking fresh, cooled soda water has a motivating effect not just when the weather is hot.

More time
Never again will you have to fetch water and place bottles in the refrigerator. Never again will you have to gather up and return empty bottles.

More variety
Everybody can always have their favourite water available. Still, lightly bubbling, sparklingly fresh or oxygen water.

Soda water in the office

Very individual
Whatever your own personal preference, you can pour yourself cooled still water, soft, lightly sparkling water or fizzy soda water with plenty of bubbles. All simply at the touch of a button.

Modern design
Fits in perfectly with the design of any office, e.g. alongside the coffee machine. Has a high-quality look thanks to the stainless steel housing which is easy to maintain.

Always freshly produced
Thanks to the direct connection to the mains water pipeline, you and your employees can enjoy cool water any time you want at the touch of a button.

Recommended products for companies

SodaMaster 100 / 200
SodaMaster Aquatower 100 / 200

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