Water supply in schools
More on the healthy drinking in schools project:
Water is life’s most vital resource
- The strictest checks guarantee that the quality of our drinking water is perfect
- Our drinking water does not contain any sugar, sweetener or other artificial flavourings
- Drinking water is always available and is also cheap to produce
- According to the German Nutrition Society, the principal purpose of water is to provide an intake of fluid
- Environmentally friendly as no transport routes are required (no logistics)
Drinking lots is healthy
- Many processes within the body are dependent on an adequate supply of water
- A fluid depletion of just 2% of bodyweight already significantly reduces physical peformance and mental agility
- Thirsty schoolchildren are less able to concentrate
- Minerals contained in the drinking water supplement the sustenance provided by solid food
- Drinking water contains only a small amount of sodium
Schoolchildren’s drinking behaviour is not good enough
- Almost a quarter (23.9%) of our schoolchildren do not drink enough throughout the morning at school
- The average liquid intake in Germany is roughly 20% (about 1/2 litre) below the benchmark figure recommended by experts
- When a person is under great physical exertion or is working hard, the body’s "thirst signal" is often ignored or suppressed
- The sensation of thirst is often not sufficiently pronounced in children
- Children require much more water compared with adults
Special aspects of schools
- Children are consumers
- Peak rushes during school breaks
- Standstill during school holidays
- Lots of different users
- Increased risk of germ contamination from touching or coughing
Advantages of drinking water machines in schools
- Healthy, fresh sparkling soda water available at any time
- Microbiological safety thanks to the 3-stage IONOX hygiene system
- Increased level of drinking thanks to self-service facility
- No additional expenditure on personnel
- Cheap production costs per litre of water
- Save on any logistics or deposit-return bills
Environmentally friendly 3-stage IONOX hygiene system with the thermal germ barrier at the outlet tap
- Patented germ barrier on the outlet tap
- Fully automatic system without any manual effort
- Takes effect in the throughflow and on the pipe lining
- Optimum effectiveness thanks to high temperatures of over 100°C
- Visual display of operation and functional readiness
- Reliable system with extremely long service life
- Already in use for many years and tried and tested thousands of times
- Takes effect directly at the problem zone, i.e. at the end of the outlet tap
- Thermal, no chemicals used
- No additional personnel
- Machine is fully ready for use even during the heating intervals
- Reliable protection against contamination through microbial regrowth
- Germs which accumulate (through coughing etc.) have no chance
IONOX is the innovative market leader for soda water machines in the clinic and hospital sector